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Preparation for General Anaesthetic

Toronto Sleep Dentistry

The preparation for your dental anesthesia appointment is an important part of the process. Read on to learn what to expect leading up to a sleep dentistry procedure, and how to prepare for general anesthesia.

The Consultation Appointment

During the consultation appointment, we will start by making sure that all your medical records, including radiographs (x-rays) are up to date. We will ask you about any changes in your health, medications, or lifestyle habits that may have an impact on your upcoming procedure.

We will discuss the procedure to be performed, and determine what type of sedation or general anesthesia is most appropriate for you. Your dentist will explain the process and the medication to you (as well as potential side effects), give you instructions for preparation, and answer your questions.

In the Days Before Your Appointment

Pre-appointment instructions will vary depending on the type of anesthesia or sedation medication to be administered. Your dentist will provide you with detailed instructions well in advance.

Pre-appointment instructions may include the following:

  • Food and drink restrictions: what, and how long before your appointment you may eat and drink.
  • Clothing and accessory guidelines: typically, it is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing. Avoid all jewelry, artificial nails, watches or other accessories.
  • Hair guidelines: come to your appointment with dry hair, with no accessories in it.
  • Medication guidelines: in most cases, you should continue taking all medications as prescribed, unless otherwise advised. How to do this in combination with drink and food restrictions will be outlined as well.
  • Day of appointment instructions: information on what will happen when you arrive at our office for your procedure.

On the Day of Your Appointment

You will need to be escorted to and from your sedation of sleep dentistry appointment by a trusted friend or family member, as it often takes some time for the sedatives or anesthesia to wear off. This mean you shouldn't drive, and you will need someone to keep an eye on you.

When you an your escort arrive for the appointment, you will be seated in the treatment room and made as comfortable as possible.

Depending on the type of sedation, you may or may not be unconscious during your procedure. We will carefully and continuously monitor your blood pressure, pulse and blood oxygen levels during the procedure; your safety is our first concern.

After The Appointment

After your procedure is complete, you will be taken to the recovery room. The anesthesiologist will determine when you are ready to be discharged after the appointment. The wait is typically 30 - 45 minutes, but can vary significantly.

You will need an escort to take you home, as you won't be able to drive after your appointment. It can take 3 - 4 hours for the full effects of the medication to wear off.

Please go straight home after your appointment! Take the rest of the day off of work or school so that you can recover safely and comfortably. It may be a good idea to plan ahead and have movies, reading material or other low-effort entertainment options at your disposal.

For more detailed appointment preparation instructions, or for answers to any questions, please contact our office. 
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Nervous about visiting the dentist? We can help.

Our dentists can take the stress out of your next appointment with a range of sleep and sedation dentistry options.

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